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Terms of Use

Product & Service Guarantee

Getawaygoods guarantees total satisfaction with your entire order and our services.

If any item or service that we provide does not meet your expectations, we will replace the item or credit your account.

Getaway goods is committed to the highest standards of service. Making your vacation more convenient is our mission.

Fees & Payment

Getawaygoods accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card


Getaway goods accepts orders 24 hours a day.

Rush orders may be available depending on the day and time.

For rush service, contact our office at 702-469-7327.

The minimum order is $90.00

If you have made any special requests for items not found in our store, Getawaygoods will contact you prior to delivery to let you know the status of these items along with the cost.
We will then ask you to pay for these charges prior to delivery.

Grocery Delivery

Pre Delivery

Getaway goods will deliver and put away your groceries in your rental unit prior to your arrival. Based upon room availability.

Upon Arrival Delivery

Upon checking into your unit you will need to contact our office at 702-469-7327.

At that point a delivery time will be set.

After Check in

All orders placed after you check in will be delivered within 6 hours.

Alcohol Policy

Verification of age is mandatory.

If you have pre-arrival delivery service, prior verification of age is possible.

We will contact you to make the necessary arrangements.

State Law requires that ALL sales of Beer, wine or alcohol are FINAL !!! No refunds or exchanges

Pricing & Substitutions

Some of our items are priced according to market conditions.
Customers will be billed the current market price as of the week of their delivery. If any substantial price increase exists from your original order, we will notify you of the situation and allow you to determine if the difference is acceptable.

Getaway goods selects the freshest and the finest.
If an item ordered is unavailable, we will make every attempt to find a reasonable substitute, as long as the quality of the product is up to the level that our customers deserve and expect


After you submit your order, you will receive an email confirmation from our customer service department.


You may cancel your order up until 48 hours prior to delivery
at no cost to you.

In the event that you do not cancel within this period, your credit card will be charged for the full amount of the bill.

Logging Into The Website

  1. Click on Create account.
  2. Complete the form presented.
  3. Click on MY BASKET.
  4. Choose a category.
  5. Pick an item.
  6. Enter the quantity of that item in the box next to the item.
  7. Click on ADD TO BASKET.
  8. If you cannot find an item type the name of the item in the GREEN box
    on top of the page.
  9. If we do not carry that item Please enter that item description in the SPECIAL REQUEST (S.R)boxes
  10. Our Minimum order is $90 Dollars.